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Setting up a your team remotely

24 March 2020

By Liam mcconnell

Setting up a your team remotely

​We are in an age where home working and technology are very much in tune with each other. Whilst recent events have forced many of us to change the way we conduct our business, we are fortunate to be in an age whereby home working should not be deemed as something alien, but in fact see it as an opportunity many of us have never even considered.

In order to make remote working a success, we as employers must first trust our staff to deliver high standards and represent our organisations as if they were in the office. Trust is down to the individual but alongside that aspect, you must also ensure you lay foundations for success by ensuring your team have the following.

What can I do to make remote working a success for my team..

  • Create a digital workplace 
  • Create structure (& stick to it) 
  • Be clear with expectations 
  • Advocate accountability 
  • Promote well being  I’m known for irritating my staff and telling them to go out for short walks and getting fresh air when at the office
  • Stay connected – 

For a lot of us we have had a week or so to create a plan and ensure remote working is all set up and business carries on as normal, personally, I would allow the change of scenery to settle in and if you can follow the steps of advice I’ve suggested, you’ll notice the transition could very well be seamless.

If any business owner has any other suggestions that they feel work for them or wish to discuss how to get the best out of their remote workers then please feel free to call to discuss anytime. 07969912761 or 01722 741840.

Embrace the change & enjoy the technology available to you

Thanks for reading,


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